C.J. Nord shortened her first and middle name because that gave room to add initials like C.P.M., CSCP to her business card. C.J., having been born in a barn and raised by wolves, was uniquely prepared for a stupendously exciting career in the supply chain, operations, and manufacturing world. She’s been working to get good goods for a variety of organizations ever since.
Yes indeed, her passion is creating kick-butt supply chains. But as the daughter of a steel worker, she also cares deeply about factory workers and their families. They are the reason she became a self-styled supply chain activist, getting herself into all kinds of good trouble, like serving on the Ports Supply Chain Optimization Group.
While she would never say it aloud, C.J. believes that supply chain pros are akin to super heroes – with unique powers to balance the resources of the universe, and serve the greater good of humanity.
You think she’d stop there, but no way. In a valiant attempt to single-handedly solve thorny supply chain problems, like the U.S. stainless steel shortage, and sustainable supply chains for fabric, and plastic she founded Supply Chains for Good, a non-profit which leverages supply chain expertise, and grit to solve problems interfering with the protection of children, and family prosperity.
She also serves on the Policy and Steering Committee for The Center for International Trade and Transportation, on higher education advisory boards, and as Ambassador for the high school career programs, EXP, and Vital Link.
As a result of these high-profile shenanigans, C.J. gets invited to speak at leading universities, supply chain organizations, and The Boys and Girls Club. And she has been quoted in the Los Angeles Times Business section, as well as in The Wall Street Journal.
In spite of all this, her dog remains unimpressed.