
garrick mullen headshot

Shop Fabricated Atmospheric Tank Section

Reviews industry codes, produces standards and educational materials, administers licenses for fabricators to build STI tank technologies, and provides quality assurance and training programs.

Garrick Mullen
Watco Tanks, Inc.


Field Erected Storage Tank Section

Reviews industry codes and produces standards and educational courses.

Brad Veath

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Pressure Vessel & Special Fabricated Products Section

Reviews issues important to pressure vessel manufacturers.

Bill Kennedy
Kennedy Tank & Mfg. Co. Inc.

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Steel Water Pipe Section

Reviews industry codes, produces standards and educational materials, and administers the Pipe Certification program.

Kyle Couture
AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe


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Shelley Brewer

Safety & Health Committee

Creates and provides education and training, administers the Safety Awards program, tracks OSHA regulatory developments, and participates in industry codes and standards bodies.

C.J. Hineman
Fisher Tank Company

Shelley Brewer
Tank Industry Consultants

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Shop Fabricated Technical Committee

Institutes and monitors all technical research and development activities, studies, and surveys for the shop fabricated atmospheric tank section, enforces quality control standards and reviews, evaluates and researches technical data and specifications.

Garrick Mullen
Watco Tanks, Inc.

Matt Van Alsburg

Field Erected Storage Tank Technical Committee

The Field Erected Storage Tank Technical Committee will add value to member organizations by creating a platform for collaboration between engineers and acting as a unified voice on behalf of STI/SPFA for codes and standards related to field construction.

Matt Van Alsburg
Advance Tank and Construction

Bob Nemeth

Finance Committee

Oversees all investments of STI/SPFA, recommends the annual operating budget and analyzes quarterly financial statements.

Bob Nemeth
Stanwade Metal Products, Inc.

Robby Hagemann

Membership Committee

Organizes Annual Meeting and Fall Conference program, speakers, and events. Works on member retention and benefits.

Robby Hagemann
Boardman, LLC

Ed McCarthy

Affiliate Members Committee

Makes recommendation on issues of importance to suppliers, meeting locations and speakers, sponsorship and displays.

Ed McCarthy
Samuel, Son & Co., Ltd.

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Emerging Leaders Committee

The Emerging Leaders Committee aids in relationship building, professional development, and communication among emerging leaders in the steel fabrication industry.

Sean Rezin

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Legislative Advocacy Committee

The Legislative Advocacy Committee represents STI/SPFA members on important legislative issues affecting the steel fabrication industry.

Randy Moore
RM Consulting

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SP001 AST Inspection Standard Committee

Makes recommendations regarding the inspection standard for atmospheric, aboveground fuel storage tanks.

Sonny Underwood
Mid-South Steel Products, Inc.

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SP031 AST Repair Standards Committee

Makes recommendations for the repair standard for steel fabricated aboveground fuel storage tanks.

Sonny Underwood
Mid-South Steel Products, Inc.

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Strategic Planning Committee

Provides recommendations to the Board regarding planning for the future of the organization.

Sonny Underwood
Mid-South Steel Products, Inc.