Quality control is a crucial aspect of all manufacturing processes. Therefore, member fabricators of the Steel Tank Institute’s licensed tank technologies are subject to periodic, unannounced inspections by a team of STI/SPFA Quality Control Inspectors. These inspectors conduct a rigorous investigation of the manufacturing function at tank fabricator facilities, to ensure that companies are complying with the standards and specifications for manufacture of each licensed technology.
During the inspection, inspectors also verify that tank construction meets applicable Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and UL Canada (ULC) standards, incluidng UL 58, UL 1746, UL 142, UL 80, UL 2085, and equivalent ULC and international standards. For tanks listed under Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) standards, inspectors provide separate reports to SwRI.
In addition, each member fabricator making STI tanks is required to send at least one representative to our biennial Quality Control Meeting. The gathering is held at various locations, to include a tour of a willing member’s facility. This allows member personnel to learn from one another. Also on the QC Meeting agenda are updates to standards and specifications and presentations by industry experts.
STI’s Quality Inspectors average 40 years industry experience. The group meets regularly to review standards and specifications and sharpen inspection skills.
Today, over 100 STI shop-fabricated tank shops are inspected, with an average of five STI technologies licensed per shop. More than 450,000 tanks have been built to STI specifications. STI/SPFA members’ customers are assured of the highest quality in the manufacturing of Steel Tank Institute licensed tank technologies from the Quality Control Program.
Quality Awards
Quality Award recipients are chosen based on above-average ratings for our random QC inspections. Fabricators are required to produce a minimum number of fabricated units to qualify as a Quality Award recipient.