The district is capturing the hydrocarbon contaminated water, and processing through UV contact units, then through GAC filters. There are 2 separate sites, Tujunga and North Hollywood. Tujunga is the larger of the 2 locations. Approximately 1,200 ft of 42″, 2,500 ft of 30″ and 800 ft of 24″ Raw Water piping. 1,200 ft each 54″, 42″, 36″, 16″ and 10″ Filtration piping inside of the plant. North Hollywood is about 1/2 of the size of Tujunga, with 300 ft of 72″ Chlorine Contact piping in the center of the plant.

Award Name

Pipeline Project

Company Name

Jifco, Inc.

Award Year


Product Details

  • San Fernando Groundwater Improvement
  • Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
  • North Hollywood/Tujunga, CA

Date Completed

December 1, 2021


72” – 4”

Steel Tonnage Used


Steel Thickness


Steel Fitting Type

Tees, Ells, Skew Nozzles