How to Evaluate and Select Water Coatings and Lining to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Presenter: Paul Trautmann and Steve Roetter
In 2022, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) began a series of Think Tanks composed of influential leaders in the water industry, tasked with establishing a long-term vision of the future of water. The first of these think tanks was “Water 2050 Sustainability”. The Water 2050 Sustainability report stated, “With rising sea levels and warming temperatures globally, the water community must not only achieve a holistic ‘One Water’ mindset, but it also must fully embrace energy production and emissions reduction as integral to its work.” One of the focus areas that the group established was a roadmap to “the race to net zero emissions”.
This webinar will provide a framework to evaluate and select the maintenance painting and lining options that move toward zero carbon emissions.