108″ ID Tunnel bypass to a Flow Control Vault (130 ft deep in solid granite) using 2 each 108″ x 72″ bifurcation wyes with 2-1/4″ reinforcing crotch plates through dual 72″ ID Flow control valves and returning to the existing Mountain Tunnel. The 400 plus feet of 108″ tunnel liner was furnished with 4″ diameter grout ports evenly spaced to aid in tunnel placement. All of the piping was delivered with AWWA C210 epoxy lining.
Award Name
Pipe Fabrication
Award Year
Product Details
- Mountain Tunnel Improvements - Project HH-1000
- Hetch Hetchy Water Division, San Francisco PUC
- Sonora, CA
Date Completed
December 1, 2022
108 / 72"
Steel Tonnage Used
Steel Thickness
Steel Fitting Type
Lateral Wyes (2) Each